The City of San Diego’s Capital Improvement Program is defined as the City’s financial
plan for the construction of the City’s capital improvements. Capital improvements are the
addition of a permanent structure, structural change, or the restoration of the City’s assets that
will either enhance the asset’s overall value, prolong its useful life, or adapt it to new uses. The
City’s assets span a wide variety of categories that include: streets and related right-of-way
features; storm water and drainage systems; water and sewer systems; public buildings such as
libraries, parks, recreational and community centers; and public safety facilities such as police,
fire and lifeguard stations. Capital investments are necessary for the construction of all parts of
the City’s infrastructure.
At the start of each calendar year, the 5-Year CIP Outlook establishes the CIP program plan for
the next five fiscal years. The 5-Year CIP is developed from the following sources: (1) the
Asset Management Planning Program software (AMP) that identifies needs based on a
calculated risk assessment and operational maintenance strategies developed by the asset
managing departments (AMD); (2) input from City Council; (3) adopted plans and policies,
including but not limited to Ordinances, the Municipal Code, the General Plan, Community
Plans, Mobility Plans, and the Parks Master Plan, the Climate Action Plan, and Climate
Resilient SD; and (4) ongoing public input. Needs are prioritized using the AMD’s unique
strategies for each asset type, for inclusion in the 5-Year CIP. Important documents are available to download and read below.
The Chollas Valley Planning Group is always working to improve the City's relationship with its constituents, and we are actively seeking feedback on your needs and observations about the City's services and departments. Please go to the "Get Involved" page of our website to take our survey. Thank you so much for your time and input!
Chollas Valley Community Planning Group
Copyright © 2024 Chollas Valley Community Planning Group - All Rights Reserved.
Phone: (619) 354-0558